Fuhhh....today is very hectic day...me n tinkerbell got class from 8 am till 5 pm....lesu tahap maut..transformers pun takleh tahan kalo ade kelas 9 jAm mcm we all...
kalo sume kelas tu kelas make up,kelas mari membaca majalah2 spt cleo,female,women's weekly,hot,kelas belajar fashion,kelas tgk tv,kelas belajar cara2 shopping...takpele jgk...ini,sume tahap mendera otak la....rasenye mmg kami dah berlaku zalim pada otak sendiri...bayangkan...
8.00 am : english for academic purposes(eap) mass lecture...(last class,sdeynya..)
9.00 am : eap tutorial(pheww,nasib baik tak kene oral presentation hari ni...)
10.00 am : evidence and procedure of syariah law(EPS)( kelas ni la selalu jadi mangsa aku
untuk bersms...)
11.00 am : Company Law II ( today's class...hemm..ini kelas company law ke,kelas mari
belajar agama bersama ustaz yg rigid?i dunno what kind of mind he had..but
seriously,n with due respect,i beg to differ from him in many aspect...actwly,in all
aspect except in company law subject..s u all know,i really uphold the concept of reasonable thinking. )
12.00 pm : GAP!!NO CLASS...but we have to rush cari mdm rusni to settle things...bout ibt
presentation..then we went to LAWSOC...hari ni saya duty...
1.00 pm : eps (actwly,we got 3 back up class,ibt,eps n company...but luckily,ibt class is
cancelled,company class is pospone to 4 pm....so we decided to go to eps class...)
2.00 pm : usul fiqh tutorial...(only me.tinkerbell went back to mahallah....mesti die sempat
3.00 pm : eps tutorial (huhu,i da start hilang konsentrasi since terlampau byk input di paksa
masuk dalam kepala,tapi masih dapat bertahan since mdm was discussing a tuto
questions n only 6 gurls were in the class,so i've to participated..biarpun the fact
that,i saje2 je angguk kepala sbb mdm asyik usha i je...but tinkerbell masih
bleh konsentret...)
4.00 pm : company tutorial ( i totally lost dlm kelas ni...gosh,what the heck is he talking about
in front?hari ni ramai yg masuk...so quite safe la drp di tanya soklan..n infact sir is
only discussing the amendment of director's duty..phew,nasib baik i masih tahu ape
topic yg di discuss..but what can i say,not only me n tinkerbell yg lamgsung tak
dengar tapi,suprisingly,98% of the class mmg tak dgr ape sir ngajar except for the 2
hardworking students in front...haha...ade yg siap duduk berpaling ke belakang
sembang...kami yg kat belakang ni siap posing taking pic lagi...hahaha...
after all,hari ini sangt meletihkan............................
bila ke las nak habis ni??
nak balik raya!!!!nak balik kampung!!!
tapi test berlambak2 after raya,....
keje pun banyk!!!!ibt lagi,eap lagi!!!
report agm lawsoc tak buat lagi!!!
Ya allah...bleh gile tau i u olls!!!(hahahahahahah)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
bebelan by
11:52 PM
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