Sunday, September 30, 2007



I love this clutch!!!

Please buy it for me....huhuhu
only $248..hehehe
as a repayment i'll do- ur laundry for 3months, cook for u,clean ur room, take care of ur pets, buy a groceries, many things laa...just say it! ( subject to terms and condition..hehehe)

(giler arr...desperate!)


An Introduction.

Ehem.Ehem.Okay.Everyone had introduced themselves.ME?belum lagi.nak introduce la nie.. known as the black heels. ;) Sorry the red shoes. im not copycating u( if there is existence of such word..hehe)..its just that black heels seems to representing myself.hihi..its 9 in size and its represents the physical of myself.DO NOT ASK ANY FURTHER!THATS A WARNING! ahaha..i guess you've got the idea dh kan? ;) Its black in colour, which means I don’t like to be too other words, Im not that confident larr.. yet it’s a heels..something which is sexy in its own way.. if u just watch it, you may find it dull..once you wear it, you will look good in it.. ;) HAHAHAHA..the black heels seems to perasan now.oh no.not seems.SHE IS PERASAN NOW.who cares. Hihihihi.. what mentioned earlier, it is not our intention to promote ourselves, but merely to express of what we think we should be expresseing..HUH? faham2 jer la.. so people, DO READ OUR ENTRIES! its a must. believe'll love it.WHY SHOULD YOU? because the writers in here are all BRILLIANT,BEAUTY BUT WITH BRAIN,LOVEABLE and most importantly, they are PRECIOUS.
enjoy your readings! :)
-the black heels-

i just pity her.....

others wud say she's a moron...

its pity laa...dun simply blame it all on her...

bebaru ni missTebu ade laa bkk youtube and saje2 ushar vids yg menarik...n missTebu pon tgk laa GIMME MORE lipsync by missBritney...

how come such a talented dancer not so talented singer bleh jd macam tu??i mean, mmg laa de xde laa talented sgt pon..lipsync je ni lipsynsc pon hancuss...dia dimalukann sehabis mungkin..azabs laa kalo jadi dia....too much pressure...

and after dat awful performance, she DID cry..(see dat picture la dude!)..camni ke berakhirnya sebuah karier yg gemilang?? can deny kan de mmg success gile dlu?

tgk laa perut de mlm lagi perut missTebu ni walopun x penah wat sit-up...but we're not talking about perut or watsoever...just see the performance mlm tu..she looks confused, not confident and FAT!! siannya...she's been thru a lot...sian laa jadi britney...

baik jadi org biasa cam TPSW ni...xyah laa pressure smp half moron......

agaknya ape punca Britney jadi macam tu??

ni adalah antara kemungkinannya:

  • perkahwinan yang gagal dgn k-Fed

  • gila meroyan (jarak antara 1st baby n 2nd baby sgtlah dekat..not gud gurls!!!)

  • no more money left?? (dats why kena nyanyi blk)

  • nk berebut custody dgn k-Fed tp xde kerja tetap...(same goes to him laa)

  • pressure dari kecik smp besar (mak de kan suka force dia??)

  • dia ingat de HOT lagi..

  • sbb tgk kwn2 dia such as christina n justin success lagi (so de nk try de punya lucky charm la)

  • drug influence

  • kesan dari fast food yang bertan-tan dlm badan de tuh..(dun eat fast food gurls!!) nnt gila cam dia

  • too much smoking

  • tak kuat iman (obviously!)

  • penat sgt de dok pura2 innocent masa zaman teenager dulu...

  • de kecewa dgn justin dulu..(smp skrg xde laki baik utk dia..)

tu lah antara faktor2 yang boleh dikatakan me nyumbang ke arah kejatuhan era Britney Spears..

lagi skali missTebu nk tekankan di sini...

susah betul jadi britney spears ni...jadilah diri kita sendiri....kan senang??




Astaghfirullahal azeem......kami serendah2 hati seek your kindness Ya Allah...ampunkan dosa kami...terimalah pose kami hari ni....yeap,kami mengaku kami dah buat sesuatu yg tak sepatotnya di lakukan oleh org yg mumaiyyiz lagi akil baligh.....
huhu~ ...betol2 menyesal la hari ni....hari ni mysteriousFana,tinkerbell,missTebu,and theredshoes outing pegi cineleisure Damansara bertujuan nak tgk wayang......dok pilih2 nak tgk cite ape....last2 we all decide nak tgk chuckLarry dgn niat sucinye dalam kepala..cite ni mesti kelakar...konon nak gelak laa...kami punye wayang start at 3.20...ade lagi almost 20 minutes sblm masuk....jenjalan dulu..merayap2 tgk benda2 cantik kat gerai2 kat tepi2 tu...n we've decided to seat kat dpn jukebox karaoke n buat aktiviti yg paling di minati oleh semua TPSW's members iaitu.....



missTebu,mysteriousFana,Tinkerbell....theredshoes tak mo picnye dilihat ramai atas sbb yg kukuh~

missTebu yg senang di suruh berpose....suruh je pae gerenti buat...

ha...kan....even suh menyorok antara meja ni pun missTebu buat...sporting sgh missTebu ni~

theredshoes yang tak mo reveal muke dia....merenung...lapar kot sbb tak sahur~

hehehe....ape lagi...bergambarla.....dah dekat pk 3.15...kmi gerak masuk....pastu sempat pulak buat aksi tak sepatotnya.....

isk...isk...try nak kiss jet li...tapi awat muke dia cam tak rela je fana?
fana : dia pose...mane bleh siang2 ni...hihihi~

tgk missTebu....nak jgk die kiss dua2 ekor mamat ni....

huwah~panjang sgh cite ni...mesti sume ckp...ala fana...kalo die bercerita,mesti rase cam seolah2 kita berada kat tmpat tu..hehehhe...tulah yg saya nak sbnrnya...supaya anda dapat merasai keterujaan kitrg nak tgk chuck n larry...

n wayang start....


theredshoes : Ya Allah,Ya Allah...ape ni korang...kurg pahala puasa kite...
MysteriousFana : jahilnye kita...ape kita buat ni ...pose ni korang....
Tinkerbell :alamak2....tutup mate korang...tutup...
Misstebu :hahahha....ape ni korang...cite ape ni....
theredshoes :nape la kita tgk cite ni....pose2 plak tu...
MysteriousFana :mane nak tau cite ni mcm ni...
theredshoes : leer...takkan tak perasan cite ni 18Pl??
MysteriousFana :Takk!!!
tinkerbell :Ya Allah Ya Allah....
missTebu :Ya Allah Ya Allah...tutup mate korang....
kesimpulannye...tula kitrg mase tgk cite ni....banyak jgkla scene ktrg terpkasa tutup mate semata2 tanak pose kitrg kurus....ape punye jahil la,nak bagitau korang...baik korang jgn tgk cite ni di bulan pose....banyak scene2 yg agak membeliakkan mata....

salah kitrg....dah tau nature cite tu GAY,yg tgk jgk tu nape???ha,amek la...dpt tgk scene lelaki2 tgh mandi tgh2 siang hari pose,scene pompuan2 yg azabsss...n..(eh,tadi kate tutup mate?nape banyak jgk yg tgk?hahahhahaha)

so,kesimpulannya...mmg kami dah menyesal!!!!!tak mo wat mcm ni dah!!!!!especially di bulan2 pose ni yg penuh barakah ni.....

semoga Allah mengampunkan kita.....Amiiinnnnnnn......

da lepas habis,kami p jalan2 kat the street...banyak woo brg2 best...ade clutch yg cantik...beg...kepit2 rambut bunge2 yg tinkerbell kate...soooooo outdated!!!...tapi theredshoes n mysteriousFana beli jgk...hehehhe~

dah pk 6.30!!!tapi kami tak pilih tempat utk buke lagi...selepas meninjau2,kelihatan byk kedai2 best but due to money constraint,kami akhirnya memilih....

THAI EXPRESS !!!!OK OK... ni tempat makn...bukan travel agency,bukan jg courier cut it short..(cc ni da nak totop)...
ni makanan kitrag untuk buke pose hari ni...(atun,aya,kalu takut tak tahan,pose...jgn teruskan tgkkk)

MysteriousFana punye...nyum nyum...

missTebu makan sampai berair2 idung....makanan dia sampai lambat......wat muke tu~
theredshoes n tinkerbell punye...dorang bengang....sbb tak sedap sgt...hahahahaha~
p/s :pergh...pnjg gile entry ni...biasela...dikarang oleh seorg yg misteri.....


Yup! True style is gifted, although it is gifted but it also can be developed. Terlalu banyak contoh yang kita boleh lihat di sekeliling kita, di antara kawan2 atau pon family members mesti kita pernah jumpe kes yang mane, daripada seselekeh,sehodoh-hodoh manusia but after a few times, a few years he/ she turned up to be the most gorgeous and stunning person we ever seen. Lihat saja contoh selebriti2 either in Malaysia or outside Malaysia. The conflict image with disaster hair of Dayang Nurfaizah changed to be one of the most stunning artist in Malaysia, to some extend some people claim she is Beyonce Malaysia ( perhaps some member of TPSW might not agree with this). Ade lagi, during late 90s Ning Baizura sangat terkenal imagenya yg very the weirdo ok! Look now, wut happened to Ning? Wow! Va Va Voom! Amazing + mengkagumkan. Kita amik pulak contoh artis lelaki, Anuar Zain a.k.a ‘Abg Nuar’(me myself created the manja2 name..huhuhu) masa di awal kemunculan Abg Nuar sebagai penyanyi dulu dia kelihatan sgt nerd + innocent + plain dengan image rambut pendek, nampak kemas, still looked handsome but org xpandang sgt dia…ha! Tgk sekarang…three words enough to describe…metrosexual+gentleman+gorgeous ( aku+sayang+anuar…hahaha)
Pendek kata, memang byk laa lagi contoh yg bole kita tengok baik dari selebriti mahupon org2 yg berada di sekeliling kita.

Mereka dulu dan sekarang...

Style is gifted, but it can be developed…
Who said that our external appearance is not important at all? However, my opponent will counter back to me and used the very ‘bored’ proverb “Don’t judge a book by its cover” But, the book can be much much greater if it is very impressive on the cover and at the same time has a really great story inside it. Yes! I agree style di luar sahaja memang tak cukop untuk membuat satu konklusi bahawa seseorang manusia tu dah cukop bagus. But what I want to stress right here is about, the beauty inside and outside. Harus bergerak seiring, biar kita jadi manusia yg memang cantik dan stylo giler kat luar dan dalam masa yg sama kita jadi gak manusia yg bijak + brilliant + baik hati + berbudi pekerti + reti wat baik sesame manusia… Some people might not agree with me..Its ok, manusia tu Tuhan bagi dengan pelbagai rasa dan laku..dat’s y this life, this world is very colourful.

Develop your style, be a beauty queen inside and outside!

I’m the beauty with brain,
( wanna be..hehehe)

"aku menulis bukan kerna nama"...hehehe

Saturday, September 29, 2007

sleepy week

best nya bantal....

nikmat tidoooooooo...................

i wanna sleep...............

tidoq tidoq...............................................

knapa la lately agak ada masalah tido yg makin meruncing... dah la dilahirkan sejak azali mmg susah nk tido bila malam org tido kita bangun...bila tengahari kita tahan mata tahap gaban sbb mengantuk...dapat tido 10 minit pon jadi lah.....hibernasi hibernasi...
krooohhhh kroohhhhh.........ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

tambah lak election yg akan datang...seperti yg mysterious farhana katakan tu...membuat kan mata miss marsh mellow mengantuk tahap ultraman bila bunyi siren merah dier dh makin berkurang..tre tre tre(tunggu masa nk regain kuasa balik outerspace)......yg pasti nya...akan ku cuba perbetulkan masa tido ku...macam mana nie!!!!!

the redshoes juga mempunya masalah yg sama ngan miss marsh mellow,,,,,yup...i feell like melting now...
missmarshmellow 4 eva

Thursday, September 27, 2007


uia akan mula di landA oleh satu fenomena yg azab mulai hari ini hinggalh ke hari selasa ini....election 4 student represeNtative council will be held next week...what day,i tatau....sbb rasenye proses untuk election kali ni berlaku pantas gile...tup tup...nomination day...tup2 ade org kasi pen kat luat ltb after ibt class n said.." vote for TTUUUTTT!!huh,dahla pen murah...ingat boleh beli our vote mcm tu???without knowing ur capability,ur academic ahievement n even ur face,u expect us,aikolian will cast our vote for u??in u dreamla BEB!!

N bila i masuk kelas eps..tibe2 berselarut risalah campaign STUDENT'S INDEPENDENCE...VOTE FOR TTT**T.. lagi satu..u claim u bebas,tapi the fact that ppl know ur inclination...tolonglah guys...jgn ingat kami bodohla...n without ur academic achievement,u bajet org akan senang2 nak vote untuk u?in ur dream la jgk!!!n lagi menyakitkan hati,ur manifesto...plzla....prepare btol2 la ur manifesto tu...jgn menjanjikan bulan dan bintang pada aikolians kalo u sendiri tak tau duduk bangun sesuatu perkara yg sebenarnya.

law students vision?? ape nye law students vision?nak pihak universiti dgr our needs? hello,cube bagitau,selama ni ape yg pihak uni tak dgr?pihak uni dengar,it just a matter of the leader yg tanak berusaha bersungguh2...bila uni ckp no,then u pun pg canang kat sume students yg uni takmo tolong kita,uni berat sebelah...uni di pengaruhi itu ini....berusahalah....kalo u nye effort bersungguh2,mesti punye ade hasil yg memberangsangkan!!!

AKU SEMPAT GLANCE DUA CAMPAIGN JE HARI NI...dgr2 cite,aikol constituency ade 5 org...walla,ramai tu....ramai sungguh tu...maslahnye betol2 berkaliber ke 5 org tu????hahhah...nak gelak pun ade bile tgk list aikol constituency ni...(yg kuar air dari telinga pun ade....)hhhahahha..

kita tunggu lagi 3 org punye campaign n manifesto.....





entry ini mungkin agak berbaur emosi..yeap,emosi...i admit....tapi ini sbb dah tak tahan dgn situiai yg stereotaip yg selalu berlaku bila election nak dekat....gaduh sane sini,...kawan dgn kawan tak bercakap...risalh yg tak matang merata2....tampal merata2 sana sini,sepahkan kelas...ingat bagus sgt ke macm tu??menyusahkan macik cleaner je nak bersihkan....

tolongla,saya admit,saya bukan tau sgt pasal sepak terajang politik kampus ni,tapi atlis,cubela bertanding dgn adil...jgn main kotor...baik anda wufi,anda revo,anda pkpim atau ape saje inclination anda...(sekadar menyebut beberapa parti)

fikirlah amanah yg anda nak pikul tu...berat sungguh...anda bercakap berdegar2...malaungkan manifesto anda,tapi ada anda pk,bolehkah anda sempurnakan apa yg anda janjikan??anda bukan saje berjanji dgn kami,tapi anda berjanji dgn Allah...Amanah tu...jgn main2 dgn amanah...jgn semata2 nak power,anda sgp buta pekak kan hati telinga mata semata2 untuk kepentingan sesetengah pihak....jgnlah anda ikut totok ape yg di minta oleh org atas...anda ada hati,ada akal Allah berikan...fikir secara rasional,reasonable untuk membuat sesuatu decision..kalo tak ape gunenye ade otakkan kalo asik nak ikut kate org2 lain?baik kasi kat monyet yg berkeliaran kat uia ni....takdelah mereka nak kaco keselamatan kita kalo dorg bleh berpk...

oklah...for two person yg close to me...u guys dah buat right decision by not joining this election...semoga Allah melindungi anda berdua...n He knows better than us...moga anda akan mendapat reward yg membahagiakan dariNya..Ameen...


i'm craving for sugahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smlm mkn mee goreng abg rami 4 breakfast...ish3...mmg la xkenyang...perut yg sebesar tabung nu nak diisi dgn mee goreng je..mmg x patut...

lalu, terjadilah conversation ni antara me (MissTebu), theredshoes n missMarshmellow...

"zarah, aku lapaq lagila..nk mkn lasagna kat Milano Cafe, nk mkn ikan bakar +ayaq asam, coklat sundae (coklat tu kena panas2 lagi!!) n byk laa...suma bnda aku nak..." pas2 tiba2 ja zarah capai notes atas meja de n hulur kat aku.. " nak wat list!!!aku mls nk dgr suma semua duniawi je!!!(ayat tu aku yg tambah)... lalu, aku pon list kan la suma food yang aku nk mkn....antaranya ialah:

  1. lasagna from Cafe Milano

  2. laksa depan umah aku..(penang punya yg plg sedap!!)

  3. aiskrim..(xmau yg cikai punya)

  4. sundae coklat mcD (coklat tu kena panas2 lg)

  5. ikan bakaq +ayaq asam..(slurppp)

  6. coklat bar (cadbury punya...BLACK FOREST tau!)

  7. air yogourt

  8. pulut kuning (tiba2 plak ada pulut kuning)

  9. nasi beryani hameediyah (kedai mamak kat penang)

  10. tomyam kung!!

  11. sotong n sotong n sotong lagi..

  12. any drink s kat starbucks (pastikan anda x mencarut tatkala mengORDER drink tersebut!)

  13. fruit salad (healthy sgt laa)

haa..tu lah antaranya selera aku skrg..bulan2 pose ni selera aku makin2....smentara nk tggu waktu buke tu, mmg 'azab' ok!!!( i borrow dat phrase from sumone dat all the TPSW knew).

arini aku dah ade mission..yes!!aku dah tauu...nak mkn ape..(dr pkl 11 pagi lagi aku dah nekad nk mkn ape utk buke)..teruk tol laa pose aku kali ni...WTF man?!

tp b4 tu, aku nk sempurnakan dlu hajat sebenar aku gi cc ni...heheeee...nk bg offline msg kat twin dulu...wakakakka..dun ask me coz i'll say nothing...=p

yawn..ngantuk seyh...i'll chow dlu sleep...hua3..


ha ha...cak dedeng cak dedeng..

ape tu????cak dedeng tu ape??

baiklah murid2,entry hari ni ialah entry saje2...bukan untuk mengata,bukan untuk memperlekeh atau bukan untuk menyakitkan hati...tau ayah??hahhaha...

frasa "ha ha cak dedeng cak dedeng ni hanye bleh difahami dgn melihat kpd cntoh2 situasi di bawah.....

bila tiba2 ayu menyeringai seperti di atas lepas ckp telefon ngn seseorg yg berada di pulau mutiara...lantas the proper respon yg kita boleh ckp ialah... HA HA CAK DEDENG DEDENG!!!
mesti korg tak dapat tgkap lagikan?okes,kita teruskan dgn situasi kedua...
bila kita lihat lelaki kissing....nak nak lagi kalo kita sebenarnya terserempak budak2 laki kat aikol tgh wat mende tak senonoh ni n salah sorang dari dorg nampak kita,lantas sebelum kita pergi dari pndangan dorg,kita pandang slek kat dorg,jeling2 ngn ujung anak mata sket..pastu kita cakap HA HA CAK DEDENG CAK DEDENG!!!
pastu kita blah dgn meninggalkan pandangan yg dorg ni akan dapat balasan macm kaum nabi lut...
ha,tak dapat lagi makne die?kita tgk dari konteks situasi ketiga plak..

bila ayu lagi...okla...bila zara start bengang n marah terhadap sesuatu pastu samade dia lari turun bawah blok cabut rumput mcm mamat kat atas ni taupun die tiba2 diam dml bilik die...n bila fana (ala...yg mysterious tu) n aya tanye nape...ayu akan cakap HA HA CAK DEDENG CAK DEDENG
n kita sume sambung main game the sims tanpa mempedulikan zara...sbnrnya nak kasi die cool dulu...
baiklah...dapat dah maksud cak dedeng ni??okes...kita g pada last contoh...(zara jgn marah ekkk....)

last situasi ialah...bila ade salah sorang dari ahli TPSW start crying...maka kita kan saling pandang memandang n cakap HA HA CAK DEDENG CAK DEDENG....


OK!!!paham dah maksudnya?

tak paham jgk?adoi...

to cut it short,frasa ini adalah frasa yg di perkenalkan oleh salah sorg ahli TPSW yg di kenali sbg tinkerbell baru tadi...gile lawak.....hahhahahah...atun...tak tahan...

n kita bleh andaikan yg ayah n ADAM AF2 ada persamaan iaitu ...

kalo adam fames ngn HA HA TAK TAHU, tinkerbell lak bleh femes ngn HA HA CAK DEDENG CAK DEDENG!!!

p/s : mungkin anda tercari2 mane name fana dlm entry ni..tapi seperti yg sedia maklum,fana ni misteri,jadi tiada ape2 pasal dia...sorri...




Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Food = absolutely good...but have to beware of it!!!

Hear me !!! hear me!!!!!

Food=heaven ON EARTH

Food=will make people feel happy!

Food=will make people feel crazzzy!

Food =can unite people

Food=can make people become chaos....p\s.....tarian sakai apabila lapar?only the members of TPSW would understand...ekekekekekek....

Food =can be BAHAYA tooo....hurmm.....why?

excessive food would render people=obese....diabetic...high blood preasure...etc.....

lack of food=aneroxia..etc...atau dlm bahasa melayu kurus kering...kurus malayang...kurus keding...kurus melidi......


contaminated food=cirit biritan yg berlarutan yg tidak bleh dikawal dari segi masa..tempat..kalu malu sangat sebut jer......cherry berry(its sounds much much better rather then to use CIRIT BIRIT!!! TSPW context it is widely used.......


JADI...SEBELUM.......ANDA MAKAN APA YG ANDA MAKAN....lihatlah dulu makanan anda itu....kemudian...peka terhadap bentuk makanan yg anda makan.....kemudian.....ingat!!!!jgn lupa baca bismillah........(nanti berbillion thrillion setan masuk dlm perut-nie kawan time sekolah rendah dulu yg cakap)........

but generally...kalu too much precaution also akan menyebabkan anda tidak menikmati makanan anda dgn aman...jadi jgnlah fussy sgt,,,,,

jika nasib anda tak baik seperti saya yg tersgt sensitif trhadap makanan yg tercemar,,,maka

jadikanlah air ORS teman hidup anda(stock nie kena harus ada setiap kala waktu)

kemudian...gelusil turut membantu.....akan ttp sekiranya m,asih tak berkesan....telefonlah org2 terdekat seperti ibu bapa anda..adik bradik...atau kawan2 utk hantar ke klinik yg berdekatan,,,,,,sekiranya anda tidak dapat menghubungi org2 tersebut....maka terpaksalah anda pergi dengan tenaga kudrat kaki ciptaan yg maha esa.....tahan teksi ker...bus ker.....apa2 la....yg penting Klinik....atau kart hospital nie kalu teruk sgt bermalam la di sana)...bleh dapat fresh flower.....

dh makan ubat....maka bermulalah aktiviti berhibernasi dlm bilik......utk mendapat kekuatan semula....

sekian wabilah hitaufik walhidayah..wassalamualaikum waramatuallah hiwabarokatuh..........

miss marshmellow 4 eva


I am who I am.!!!

Who is ‘theredshoes’?
-I’m a woman..( not a shoes)..single..adorable..available..hehe

Does u always wear red shoes in your everyday life?
- Not at all..just have one red ‘cool’ guts to wear any other red shoes actually..

Then, wut is the significance of the nick name with urself?
- Emm.. I love shoes…I love red lately.( anyway,it’s up to me put wutever name!)

3 person u loved most in ur life?
- Mak, Ayah, Kak Long, all my sistas & the only bro, the late tok n tok wan, my family, all my 13 anak buah, my friends, my teachers, etc….( 3 only? Not enough list is just too long..)

Who will be your ‘Prince Charming’?
The mixture of =
Bernard Chandran + Anuar Zain + George Clooney + John Mayer
( can arr???)

One word to describe each member of TPSW?
MysteriousFana- workaholic
Thinkerbell- unexpected..
Miss tebu- 10year old kid (3words already)
Lovely Cardigan- loud!
Missmarshmellow- braces..(huhu)
Theredshoes- brilliant! (Hahahahahahahaha…)

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak! (di Rempah- rempah India..hehe)

Bertempat di Restoran Spice of India, Suria KLCC satu jamuan berbuka puasa (‘iftar’..kot2 la ade yg xtau term ni..) telah di organizekan sebagai tanda penghargaan terhadap semua committees AIKOL BOOK FAIR & BAZAAR 2007 di atas segala jerit perih dan hempas pulas mereka semua. Semua yg datang ade laa dalam 35orang termasuklah all the members of theplainsingleworld (TPSW). As usual, makan punye pasal kami memang xde masalah..(hehehe)

Nasi Beriyani, ayam masak merah, dalca, roti naan, kari ayam, kari daging, halwa lobak, kuih2 (dipotong kecik2…kedekut gak diorang ni) ngan air sirap. Overall, foods, kami bole kasi 3bintang je laa..( factor mamak hensem yg lalu lalang diambil kira..wahaha)

Nasi- ok, sedap!
Ayam masak merah- best gak..
Kari ikan- bole tahan…(tapi ade tulang ikan yg tercucuk kat gusi Fana..hahaha)
Kari ayam- sedap gak..
Roti Naan- sedikit hangus + hangit ( chef ni ngantuk kot..)
Kuih Muih- ok, but sikit sangat…
Drink- cam rasa air sirap laa…( but lambat serve..)
Environment- cosy giler…interior design yg sgt menarik. I luv it!

By the way, thanks a lot to the main board esp. kak fana kite tu…for this iftar.

Bulan pose = bulan diet?

Hahaha…may be!


mane entry??

allop kengkawan sume...

miss tebu..






mane entry anda??

we want more!!
we want more.....

p/s : mysterious tak aku???


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rojak entry ...

hello...nama saya farhana...hi..(senyum) first entry dalam blog yg konon di claim oleh ahli2nya sbg best...hahaha...tapi mmg best pun...
tahap keterujaan untuk melihat blog ini berkembang mmg berada di tahap yg maksima....keterujaan ini terbit dari pelbagai situasi yg dialami kami hari ke hari...

....rasa gembira kami yg di rasai apabila keluar bersama2 kemana2 sahaja baik ke restoran kegemaran kami..shareezma..(walaupun zara bleh muntah dgr name kedai ni skarang),atau ke kedai fevret kami untuk membeli belah,wasbudi atau ong tai kim atau giant atau jj...rase gembira ini juga ada apabila berada di bilik fana n ayah di ameenah atau di bilik budak2 tak betol(jgn marah ayu zara..wink!) di nusaibah...apabila waktu selama 4 jam boleh di habiskan begitu saja dgn duduk2 dan sembang2(walaupun tobat kalo suh study company ke land ke,takpun trust,mesti takde sorg yg tak tido..hahahhaa)
takpun,apabila dah start sembang,pelbagai cerita keluar...baik cerita mase mule2 kenal which is 5 years ago...dari cerita baju batik yg aku bangga aku je pakai,tapi turn out to be macik cafe aishah pun pakai...hinggalah ke pada cerita menyakat aya dgn ehem ehemnya(hanya kami yg tau...jgn marah yah..)...dan apabila ayu start speku ttg pelbagai cerita...aton dgn lawak tahap cipannya yg kalaula ada sorg lagi mcm aton jadi kawan kami,aku rase,dunia kan lagi cepat terbalik,...hahahah dgn keblurannya yg kadang2 rase cam nak tarik je tinge die...wani dgn kehenseman keretanya dan keluhuran budi pekertinya(ceewah?)..n intan dgn gelak die bile dgr fana n zara gelak angin....n last sekali fana yang...yang....err...die ni tade pape cerita menarik kerana die misteri...jadi bak tau kene siasat..(lariiiii........)

apabila kepelbagaian perasaan kami,sedih,gembira,bengang etc ini di kongsi bersama...di sinilah rase sayang aku terhadap semua shabat2 ku ini bercambah dari sehari ke sehari..kami sudah mula memahami perangai masing2..sudah mula menerima apa saja yg dilakukan oleh setiap salah sorg dari kami walaupun kdg2 tanpa di sedari perlakuan tu menyentuh,menyakitkan hati sesama sendiri..tetapi kami biarkan ia berlalu...biarkan kerana tali persahabatan kami tiada tanding nilainya....biarkan benda2 kecik macm tu berlalu di tiup angin kerana kami ada satu pertalian pershabatan yg lebih besar yg lagi perlu di jaga dan ditatang...

walupun persahabatan ini di mulai dari 5 sahabat...ayah,fana,ayu,zara,aton...tapi kehadiran intan dan wani mewarnai kehidupan kami semua dalam melalui hari2 yg penuh cabaran di uia ni....kehadiran ini mengukuhkan lagi persahabatan kami n bak kate org,the more the merrier kan?,let us make sure yg walau ape pun yg terjadi,persahabatan yg di landaskan fi sabilillah ini akan terus di berkati dan di rahmati oleh-Nya...Ameen...

p/s : entry ini kemungkinan berbaur agak serius...tapi takpe,inilah kemisterian seorg manusia yg bernama farhana...(lariiiiiii lagi.......aku tau korang sume mesti menyampah ngan aku...hahahahha)


Friday, September 21, 2007


The official first entry coming so soon..
get ready for the enigma!

another pre entry by Miss Tebu

now its time for me, MISS TEBU to make my pre-entry shout out..why do i named it pre-entry? becoz we're gonna have our 1st entry soooooo soonnnn......can't wait la my dear. sure da bomb kan???!!..yaa, i noticed d entry earlier made by SOYA about introduction to all ni nak tokok tambah gak..

As i wish, i wud like to introduce ME...heheee....artificially, i wud be recognized here as MISS TEBU...all of them (SINGLEs yg lelain) keep asking me "xde nama lain ke?? tkr la weh.." but i gotta say, "now u can call me, MISS TEBU..." damn poyo kan?? i dun give a D...

why wud i choose TEBU?? or sugar cane?? well, everyone knows dat 'tebu' is naturally sweet even without adding any's just tebu n it's sweet!! kan?? haaa..same applies to me la kot...hehee..naturally sweet..kua3..but im not dat POYO to claim myself as a sweet gurl, sweetie or watsoever..i just like d nature of tebu or sugar cane...sentiasa meMANISkan other's life...or masakan..or minuman YEO'S..

As I said, it is only a, wait for our first official entry's surely GEMPAK guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wit all d photos...ouchh!!!!

de' journey start here

this is my first intro..huh..i am lovely cardigan..plain, comfortable and simple..have described what i am. I really into fashion, mysterious...? emm ada kut..there are times when we keep it as a secret kan..but most of the time i am very hilarious to joke around and the most 'bising' one.

~love is like roses, red to brighten you, beautiful, smells lovely but there are thorn to to hurt you if you are not careful~


Si Kecil Yang Tidak Berdaya

Mayat dalam beg sah Nurin
Oleh Jalal Ali Rahim, Hardi Effendi Yaacob, Hanneeyzah Bariah Baharin, Ifwan Tun Tuah dan Nahar Tajri

GAMBAR (kiri): Mayat ditemui dalam beg, (kanan): Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.
Ujian DNA dapati 99.99 peratus sampel darah budak hilang sepadan ibu bapaSHAH ALAM: Ujian asid deoksiribonukleik (DNA) mengesahkan sampel darah mayat kanak-kanak yang ditemui dalam beg pakaian di Taman Petaling Utama, Isnin lalu, sepadan dengan ibu bapa Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, yang dilaporkan hilang sejak sebulan lalu. Keputusan ujian yang diperoleh polis pada jam 2 petang semalam itu, dimaklumkan kepada ibu bapa Nurin, Jazimin Abdul Jalil dan Norazian Bistaman sejam selepas itu. Bagaimanapun kedua-duanya, yang dipanggil sekali lagi untuk membuat pengecaman mayat di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), menafikan mangsa pembunuhan kejam itu adalah anak mereka

(Petikan dari Berita Harian 21 September 2007)

Pabila manusia dan binatang itu sudah tidak ada lagi bezanya…
Tidak akan ada manusia dalam komuniti haiwan tetapi begitu banyak haiwan dalam komuniti manusia..

Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarhamah Adik Nurin Jazlin Jazimin

Salam takziah utk keluarganya~

& all the members of theplainsingleworld

We’ve just started!

Hello guys! And a BIG hello to all the writers in this ‘plain’ blog ( mysteriousfana,tinkerbell, marshmallow,miss tebu and all..laa..2 other babes will join us soon) No words can describe our enthusiasm to establish this blog (..waaa..happy nyer..)

Just want to stress here,‘The Plain Single World’ is not a blog or a column for us to promote ourselves with the purpose of getting intention from the men outside (but if it’s happen, then we should take it as a lucky bonus!..hehehe) but that is not our main purpose of being here. Our main consideration is to share with the world about our world, our life..the best and the worst part of being single (yeah!... life is not always colorful).

sumtimes we are MYSTERIOUS
but most of the time we are HILLARIOUS!!!


note: some of the images used here, usually taken from
(it is subjected to the copyright of the owner of the picture)

super dooper idea

hello there..i'm one of the member tooo...we manage to get this idea on one meaningful night...because tat time we were so bored until we get this wacko idea to create a blog...which is quite different from others -THE PLAIN SINGLE WORLD-.....ENJOICE


membership =P

im one of the plain single members.. sounds pretty lame huh?? but WTF! i dont gv a D! as an introduction of TINKERBELL.. -- > She's Cute. She's Adorable. She's a Genius. She's Funny. She's Fantastic. She's a Head turner. She's An Eye catcher. She's so much like a celebrity. And Yet She's Single. Well, maybe she being a little bit exaggerating on this. *LOL*

as a request - here's an introduction for my other babes..
THEREDSHOES - She's sweet, She's an artist, She's a shoemaker, She's a photographer, She carries her own style, confine in her own planet, babe with masterpiece outcome.. BUT, aku order bebenda ngan de tak penah dapat!! marah la ni..

MISS TEBU - SHE'S CLAIM THAT SHE IS NATURALLY SWEET.. I DONT THINK SO... HAHAHAHA. HARI NI AKU JADI BDK MEAN.. ok ok ok. she's nice, she's a joker among us. She's often create a new word/vocab for us to joke around.. she also got her muncung panjang sangat ok. Nway, i love her.

LOVELY CARDIGAN - this girl is more suitable withe word mysterious.. She's kinda holding back of her private life.. and also a bit buta bcoz she REFUSE to wear her glasses (bajet), she only recognise us from far, but not others. Neway, She's a good person, love's to help.. and yes, the one with a high-pitch-volume-of-voice-and-dont-know-when-to-stop i must say..

MS MARSHMALLOW - The one with smile (always) ok.. and the one who will always gelak tho benda tak brape lawak.. ehhe~ gelak to death when zara n fana gelak angin! She's nice, good inside and outside i must say..

MYSTERIOUSFANA - Since the word mysterious is there, i need not say a word.. tehhe~ JANGAN BIARKAN HIDUP ANDA DISELUBUNGI MISTERI~

Dat's all! next time k.. ill try to curi2 time to make an entry.. cant wait!!! till then..



berdebarnya nak post entry ni...huhu...sampai tak tahu nak tulis ape....
but what can i say,the idea of creating this blog was a great idea by my great frens!!

teruja sampai tak tahu nak tulis ape..
so,becoz this entry is a trial entry,nothing much can be wrote,juz wait for the premiere entry ok!!!!

menjanjikan yg terbaik....
entry2 yg superb...
gambar2 yg best lagi menerujakan...
kisah2 gile kami bertujuh yg pelik lagi mendebarkan....



Thursday, September 20, 2007


Who said that being single is the most terrible thing in the world?

Being single is not just as bad as some people might think.

As long as we are happy with ourself...enjoy every moment we have.

Life is too short to be wasted with sadness.

Love is there~try,wait and see...

-theplainsingle world-