Yup! True style is gifted, although it is gifted but it also can be developed. Terlalu banyak contoh yang kita boleh lihat di sekeliling kita, di antara kawan2 atau pon family members mesti kita pernah jumpe kes yang mane, daripada seselekeh,sehodoh-hodoh manusia but after a few times, a few years he/ she turned up to be the most gorgeous and stunning person we ever seen. Lihat saja contoh selebriti2 either in Malaysia or outside Malaysia. The conflict image with disaster hair of Dayang Nurfaizah changed to be one of the most stunning artist in Malaysia, to some extend some people claim she is Beyonce Malaysia ( perhaps some member of TPSW might not agree with this). Ade lagi, during late 90s Ning Baizura sangat terkenal imagenya yg very the weirdo ok! Look now, wut happened to Ning? Wow! Va Va Voom! Amazing + mengkagumkan. Kita amik pulak contoh artis lelaki, Anuar Zain a.k.a ‘Abg Nuar’(me myself created the manja2 name..huhuhu) masa di awal kemunculan Abg Nuar sebagai penyanyi dulu dia kelihatan sgt nerd + innocent + plain dengan image rambut pendek, nampak kemas, still looked handsome but org xpandang sgt dia…ha! Tgk sekarang…three words enough to describe…metrosexual+gentleman+gorgeous ( aku+sayang+anuar…hahaha)
Pendek kata, memang byk laa lagi contoh yg bole kita tengok baik dari selebriti mahupon org2 yg berada di sekeliling kita.
Mereka dulu dan sekarang...Pendek kata, memang byk laa lagi contoh yg bole kita tengok baik dari selebriti mahupon org2 yg berada di sekeliling kita.
Style is gifted, but it can be developed…
Who said that our external appearance is not important at all? However, my opponent will counter back to me and used the very ‘bored’ proverb “Don’t judge a book by its cover” But, the book can be much much greater if it is very impressive on the cover and at the same time has a really great story inside it. Yes! I agree style di luar sahaja memang tak cukop untuk membuat satu konklusi bahawa seseorang manusia tu dah cukop bagus. But what I want to stress right here is about, the beauty inside and outside. Harus bergerak seiring, biar kita jadi manusia yg memang cantik dan stylo giler kat luar dan dalam masa yg sama kita jadi gak manusia yg bijak + brilliant + baik hati + berbudi pekerti + reti wat baik sesame manusia… Some people might not agree with me..Its ok, manusia tu Tuhan bagi dengan pelbagai rasa dan laku..dat’s y this life, this world is very colourful.
Develop your style, be a beauty queen inside and outside!

Who said that our external appearance is not important at all? However, my opponent will counter back to me and used the very ‘bored’ proverb “Don’t judge a book by its cover” But, the book can be much much greater if it is very impressive on the cover and at the same time has a really great story inside it. Yes! I agree style di luar sahaja memang tak cukop untuk membuat satu konklusi bahawa seseorang manusia tu dah cukop bagus. But what I want to stress right here is about, the beauty inside and outside. Harus bergerak seiring, biar kita jadi manusia yg memang cantik dan stylo giler kat luar dan dalam masa yg sama kita jadi gak manusia yg bijak + brilliant + baik hati + berbudi pekerti + reti wat baik sesame manusia… Some people might not agree with me..Its ok, manusia tu Tuhan bagi dengan pelbagai rasa dan laku..dat’s y this life, this world is very colourful.
Develop your style, be a beauty queen inside and outside!

I’m the beauty with brain,
( wanna be..hehehe)
"aku menulis bukan kerna nama"...hehehe
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