Its been a while..since i last post my entry..hurm.this hook or by crook i need to ponder on something..owh yeah before that(miss marshmallow and miss tebu pg jogging kart track.8 round okey!!!.
.ekekeekekek..dan perhatian buat ahli2
TPSW-saya suggest kita main tuju kasut nanti..tengah track ada padang…so bleh kita main…jgn lupa bwk selipar weh..warning!!!..selipar getah tahap gaban yg berat tu diharamkan sama sekali…head injury nanti..
-On da way balik,setelah keletihan..kami jumpa pokok cheri.yup..apa lagi kami berdua panjat pokok la...’’okey rezeki kami hari nie’’sory burung2 …
Kami pon ala2 petik wild berries mcm kart oversea(cipodah). tp nie Malaysia nyer version.Bersebelahan sungai pusu yg berwarna oren ada la sorang pakcik tgh memancing kt tepi sungai tu..ekekke ‘’pakcik u hv to redho la tgk kanak2 terencat 2 org cari buah ceri..
Arie tu..selepas abis test equity..miss blackheels ckp..u guys kena bear wth me…tgk2 dier nk pasang lagu melly(gantung)..owh man.. miss marshmellow melting..miss tebu trus betukar jadi air tebu...maka kami menyanyi mcm org gila dlm keta msblackheels.
Have u ever heard by the word Gantung?
Ini dlm bm can be anything..gantung baju..gantung telekung.hukuman english we call it as HANG(take notE the pronounce x sama mcm hang dlm context kedah which means you)
let's us go deeper what do i meant by GANTUNG?have u ever listen to gantung in relationship..owh man..why do i choose this subject matter...? an intro..its wajib for you to watch this video clips by melly that u cn get a clear picture to what I shall explain later…wokes moving on…who should be blame?
1)izit true that if you like someone..u hv to say it out LOUD or just remain silence and just depends on ur inner instict?hard to answer huh?it is indeed..
2)u r afraid that if u make some confession,later it turn out that he or she doesn’t hv special feeling toward u..(ish ish)
3)OR..all this while he or she only regard u ONLY as a FRIEND? only you alone hv special feelings towards him or her( aduh!)
-it is not wrong to like I right? because human still a human.(cannot go against that!!unless u r a chimpanzee.always being ordered by the zoo instructors to kiss visitors..
-remember!i got this from a very very wise people..between a boy and a is impossible to have a mere friendship relationship..correct me if I’m life..we try our best to seek our life companion ehem ehem..(berkawan dulu)..its a process of knowing each other…wth bounderies..
-I think I better stop now..this topic is getting much complicated..but remain a debatable subject..i hope that members of TPSW could further elaborate…the floor is yours…as long as u just don’t do any salsa dance without me..wahuhuahahahah
Till then lets us explore this lyrics……by melly goeslow
Ku harus menemui cintaku
Mencari tahu hubungan kita
Apa masih atau tlah berakhir
Kau menggantungkan hubungan ini
Kau diamkan aku tanpa sebab
Maunya apa ku harus bagaimana
Sampai kapan kau gantung
Cerita cintaku memberi harapan
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimuDetik-detik waktu pun terbuang
Teganya kau menggantung cintaku
Bicaralah biar semua pastiTentunya hubungan cinta denganmu
Membuat ku sakit
Hingga mungkin ku tak sanggup lagi
Dan meninggalkan dirimu
by missmarshmellow in da house
Sunday, December 30, 2007
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1:13 PM
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
BLOGTHINGY - cool crap
Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman |
![]() Inside you've got the passion and ideals of a teenager And your intensity for life is what attracts most of the men you date You also like to party - and quite often you're the life of the party You've brought the best of your younger years with you... at least most of the time. |
Your Uncommon Name Is: |
![]() |
Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating |
![]() You're not ready to go walking down the aisle. But you may be ready in a couple of years. You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment. And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility. |
Your Love Life Secrets Are |
![]() Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves. You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt. It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off. In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm. You have a hard time ending relationships, even if the other person says it's over. |
Your Adult Film Star Name Is... |
![]() |
You are a Balanced Babe! |
![]() You're direct and to the point, but never dramatic You've got the confidence to speak your mind to anyone But you leave the theatrics to Hollywood Level headed and emotionally stable, no wonder everyone loves you |
You Were Born Under: |
![]() You are solid, methodical, and you do things right the first time. Even when no one else does, you always believe in yourself. You tend to see the world in black and white, right or wrong. A good memory and eye for details means you tend to thrive at near impossible tasks. You are most compatible with a Snake or Rooster. |
You Belong in New York |
![]() You're a girl on the go, and LA's laid back lifestyle isn't really your thing. You prefer a city that never sleeps, and people as ambitious as you are. Cultured and street smart, you can truly appreciate everything New York has to offer. |
You Are 85% Pure |
![]() You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore! There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to. |
What Your Hands Say About You |
![]() You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations. Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible. Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act. |
Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Fire |
![]() You are intense, internally driven, and passionate. Your emotions are unpredictable - and they often get the better of you. Both radiant and terrifying, people are drawn to you. At your most powerful, you feel like the world belongs to you. Why you would be a good superhero: You are obsessive enough to give it your all Your biggest problem as a superhero: Your moodiness would make it difficult to control your powers |
Your 1920's Name is: |
![]() |
bebelan by
3:08 PM
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Geli Mat
MARILAH BERBAIK BAIK.. marila.. hehe
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12:46 AM
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
ala......kena balik menuntut ilmu smula
wawawaw esk tgahari dah nk balik k.l sedihnya.......tapi kuatkan semangat......chayok2......yg paling penting dapat jumpa korang smua...wehheeeeee mari kita makan eskrem...yum yum yum..owh tak yer......buat zara..................................thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!atun juga...dan tak lupa kawan2 yg lain...misss yaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-miss marshmellow-
bebelan by
12:39 AM
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
salam sume.....
rindunye kat korang sume......
i sepanjang cuti niey jadi mad housewife...tapi tadela jadi macam gambar kat atas...hanyalah ilustrasi semata2..hihi...
rutin hidup ku ialah:
8.00 am : anta my sis pegi keje...
8.30 am : masak air,sediakan brekfes,masukkan kain dalam machine
9.00 am : kejut adik2 bangun,bagi dorg brekfes
9.30 am : sapu rumah...
10.00 am : jemur kain...
10.30 am : mandi..
11.00 am : lipat kain,tgk tv
12.00 pm : masak food tgh hari...
1.30 pm : makan bersama adik2 ku yg pemalas...
2.00 pm : basuh pinggan..
2.30 pm : tgk tv sambil lipat baju
4.30 pm : sediakan makn petang untuk ahmad yg suke makan!!(die makan 6x sehari!!!)
5.30 pm : amek my sis balik keje..
6.30 pm : ready nak siapkan makan malam..
7.30 pm : makan malam...
8.30 pm : tgk berita sambil sudahkan lipat baju...
10.00 pm : tgk tv...
11/12 pm : zzzz......
esoknya....begitulah jugak....da jadi rutin tetiap hari sampai aku da tatau nak masak ape.....
haiyyohhhh......rase cam nak bersemangat g study...tapi malasla pulak bile pk da nak bukak sem baru kan??nnti kene exam balik,.....haih...haih.....
p/s : asal tade org reply to my msg pun cuti ni??marah aku ke korg???? :-(
bebelan by
9:25 PM
1 thumbs up/down?
Monday, November 12, 2007
yupp.....i'mmm writing tis down again
by miss marshmellow
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4:07 PM
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yup.....i have been speechless for a while.............until now...i am speechless......exam yg membuatkan saya speechlessss,,,owh god pls help me!!!!!!ameen
bebelan by
4:03 PM
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
need .. need to.. need to sleep!!
bebelan by
3:36 PM
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
in memory
smlm lps paper land yg susah gila nak mati (ya allah, aku harap tak fail je, dpt C pon jadi la),pegi makan kat sri gombak jap.. then left my hp in the car whc i tak expect pon akan dpt berita yang penting time2 mcm tuh.. then in the car, belek hp n tgk ade msg n a missd call from mami.. mami bitau yg kitty da mati.. gila ah sedih aku tak leh nak cakap.. terkilan pon ade.. rase bersalah pon ade.. tak tau mcm mane nak hurai.. kitty da 3 hari tak makan.. tak tau de mrajuk nape, tu yg mami bitau aku.. mgkn de rindu kat kwn2 de kt kmpg kot tak pon aku rase de trauma sbb kes de hilang dari umah aritu.. since jmpe balik aritu de mngalami kmurungan, tak makan, org bagi ikan feveret de pon de tak nak mkn, bli friskies pon tak makan, bagi susu pon tak minum.. asyik duk bertempek je dkt ngn org.. wznie cite yg pagi sblm de mati, de mcm tak larat nak jalan, pastu muntah kat dapur.. n asyik tido je.. org angkat nak pegang de pg lari duk celah meja.. jauh dr org.. mgkn de mcm dah tau yg de nak pg kot.. kesian plak aku dgr.. tp nak buat cane, aku tgh xm, takleh nak balik umah.. but then, aku rase sedih sgt sbb tak dapat tgk de saat2 akhir.. aku SEDIH!!!!! mami kate mgkn aku tak serasi kot nak bela kucing.. tapi aku suke.. da la kitty tu cute.. lulu dulu pon mati gak.. mgkn btol mami ckp.. aku nk try bela lagi sekor, kalau mati jugak mmg sah la aku ni tak leh bela kucing.. tak rasi.. tp kalau mati kira aku buat dajal kat binatang ke?? tak kan?? aku tak nak bdosa plak.. aku bukan dera pon kucing tu.. aku tgh sedih weh...
bebelan by
5:41 PM
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Monday, November 5, 2007
KENAPA PERLU ADE EXAM??? arghhh))))))))))))))))
significant betul topic tue...
why kita perlu ade exam???
stress betul la final niey...(tapi sempat lagi tu dtg cc publish post...huwahuwa...)
kenpa perlu kami menyeksa diri...kemurungan sampai jumpe kawan pun susah nak senyum sbb stress tak tido malam study?
kenpa perlu baca notes n buku n benda yg susah???kenpa LAW subject susah??????
kenape sampai kene minum redbull n nescafe n stay up malam2 sorg nak habiskan buku2 yg perlu di baca semata2 nak g jawab exam esok pagi 4 4 hours?
ini adalah rungutan dari org yg malas dah nak pk yg kita harus baca buku sbb:
- kita nak berjaya di masa hadapan...
- kita nak jadi lawyer..
- kita nak dapat duit byk2 supaya kita dapat beli ape yg kita nak,yg kita selalu tgk dalam mag
tu tanpa menyusahkan org lain..
- kita nak kene berbakti dan berbudi pada kedua org tua...
- kita nak kene balas budi org tua kita yg dah bersusah payah demi kita...
- kita nak berbakti kepada nusa dan bangsa...
- kita nak berbakti pada agama....
- kita nak proud dgn kita sendiri..
- kita nak beli kete besar mcm keta yg hot semalam!!!
pendek kate byk sbb nape kite kene baca buku n jawab pekse...
TAPI,...nape mcm process ni menyakitkan????
kdg2 rase cam nak ketuk je nota2 ni masuk dalam kepala ngan tukul...baru senang nak jawab pekse...semua melekat dalam idak...
ngapal separuh nak mati....tak tido satu malam..sakit belakang pinggang sbb duduk berejam2....tiba-tiba...
masuk dewan,BLURR?????tak tahu ape yg nak di jawab??
YA ALLAH>>>besar sungguh dugaan MU!!
jgn jadi macam ni dahla.......meletup dalam dewan cac tu...huwah huwah.....
cepatla habis waktu yg menyeksakan ni....
aku dah tak berdaya.................................................
bantula hamba Mu ini.......
bebelan by
2:30 PM
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Monday, October 29, 2007
bebelan by
8:36 PM
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
another raya..another tragedi..
lalu, semasa tgh bwk skuter tu, Tebu memulas minyak sedikit demi sedikit..lama2 jadi laju...terdetik d ati Tebu, "ish, asal cam laju je aku arini?"..tapi xpe, laju lagi sikit...sikit2 lama2 jadi ape?? jadi lagi LAJU!!!! mase tgh bwk motor tu, Tebu asyik berangan je...antara bnda yg diANGANkan ialah...
- esok ari raya, nk g semayang raya kat masjid mane ar??
- nk pakai bj raya yg mane dlu ar?
- nk pegi rumah member yg mane dlu?
- nk wat pe dgn duit raya tu?
- tapi, ade ke org bg duit raya kat aku yg tua bangka ni?
- ramai ke yg dtg thn ni?
- sepupu sepapat aku suma blk ke thn ni?
- mkn rendang byk2 nnt, x gemuk ke?
- klo gemuk, sesia la aku pose aritu..(menurut my sista, bdn i nmpk susut sbb pose!)
- thn ni ade ke OPEN HOUSE yg best2?
- nk wat reunion x thn ni?
- alaa..pas raya ni kena blk U nk final exam plak...
- xbest kan final after raya?
- eh, aku ni nk pegi kedai mane?
- kedai yg situ ke sinun?
- kalo kat situ, kena masuk simpang pas ni..
- kalo kat sinun, terus je..bleh ushar umah member...
- tp aku ni nak cepat, masuk je la simpang dpn tu...
- tp nape aku nk cepat??
- n so on...bknnye nk kejar pape pon..raya nye esok..
mase dah nk smp simpang tu, Tebu pon membuat keputusan d saat2 akhir lalu membelok masuk ke simpang tanpa melihat kiri kanan dpn blkg...tiba2..
"alamakk!!!!!!!!!!!bila masa plak ade kancil ni???!!! asal aku x nmpk pon td?"..lalu, Tebu termakan rumput di ptg ari apabila kelajuan motor yg x dpt dikawal itu menyebabkan Tebu terlanggar dpn kancil tersebut dan tergolek la Tebu d atas rumput...owh! malu Tebu!!! tp rasa cam xnak bgn, lagi klo x bgn, nk wat cane? nk buat2 pengsan ke? tp kalo pengsan, sape plak nk pegi kedai?...lalu, Tebu pon bgn laa..adeh, pedih perut Tebu..kaki pon sakit....muka plak gatal..sbb baring atas rumput...nasib baik motor x jd pape..and nak dijadikan cerita, mamat dlm kancil tu turun nk menghulurkan bantuan yg x seberapa ni....
"eh, asal laju sgt td?"sambil sengih, " tau sy laju...n sy x nmpk keta tu".... "ok ke x ni".. "ok kut..." and de cuba mengangkat motor tersebut sehingga berdiri...gagah kan?? muke dia?? kinda cute la Tebu xnak tgk muka de lama2 sbb takut nnt de cam muka Tebu ni..hua3... de tnye.."rumah kat ne?" nak tau Tebu jwb pe? "er...kat sane tu..kat dpn tu..dkt simpang tp xde la dkt sgt"... wakakaaka..jawapan x accurate langsung.. bkn pe, Tebu takut kalo de tau rumah nnt, de dtg beraya ke ape ke... malu la Tebu...pas insiden tu, de pon nk blah la...sbb tgk Tebu cam ok je..tibe2, Tebu cuba menSTART motor tu.
alamak! xleh idop la... lalu.."bang, motor xleh start laa.." pon cuba la sedaya upaya de.. mmg susah nk start pon..bkn sbb Tebu nervous ok??lama gak la de try...smp Tebu naik risau.... lalu, Tebu n mamat tu cuba bertenang dgn menarik nafas panjang dan cube lagi...and lastly. YES!! boleh pon...hehe...lalu, tebu ckp kat de.."alaa...skrg mmg la bleh start, nnt kalo dah gi kedai beli brg, mesti xleh idop blk!!"..demand siot Tebu ni kan?? n mamat tu pon tutup blk n start motor utk kali ke-2...nasib baik bleh...lalu Tebu pon say thanks...n nak de sempat pesan, "jgn laju2 sgt tau?" .. " laaa..."
Tebu pon ape lg, terus pegi kedai n beli suma brg2 tu n blk rumah dgn kadar kelajuan yg amat x reti nk stop berangan jugak..Tebu masih lagi berangan dan dlm x pecaya yg Tebu dah tergolek atas rumput on dis raya eve...hua3
smp je kat umah, Tebu trus pgl Lya my niece, "nah! bagi kat maktok" n Tebu belek2 motor tu.. xde laa calar balar pon...rumput je laa byk...pas buang rumput2 tu, Tebu pon masuk umah...
smp je umah, Tebu pegi dpn cermin, tgk asal laa perut Tebu ni sakit? angkat je baju, rupanya ade luka kat perut...luka laa sikit..yg herannya, asal plak perut yg luka? aku x pakai baju ke td? ish3... entahla...padih woo mase nk maintain cool...wahahaha~
tu laa tragedi berdarah missTebu..walopun x seberapa tp berdarah jugak....huuhuuu...~
moral of the story: jangan berangan mase bwk motor or keta and lain kali pikir betol2 nk pegi kedai mane..jgn main masuk je simpang...uuuwwaaa~~
bebelan by
12:51 PM
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
- all TPSW's members
- family ( jauh n dekat..)
- kawan2 ( lama n baru..)
- readers..
- seme laa..
Aidilfiti biasa sangat ke raya ni bila dah jd seorang dewasa ni? tah laa..aku rasa cam biasa jer..4me, the best part of raya tahun ni..bila melayan karenah anak2 buah, dok dapur( since pagi sampai mlm..dah rasa cam buruh kasar plak)..layan guest yg berduyun-duyun dtg umah, family berkumpul ramai2..sembang2 + gelak2..
This year raya...i lost my frenship.. ( i lost her..but she never lost me) Arggghhh..malas laa ckp pasal benda yg xbest ni..
Raya punye pasal..abes diet sebulan puasa..hancuss..dah nama pon raya kan..asyik makan je kejenye..MAKAN!MAKAN!MAKAN!Takpe..takpe..dengan azam yg kuat..sambung diet pasni..hehehe..betulke?
Emm..xtau nk citer ape dah..
pape pon, selamat harai raya aidilfiti buat semua..maaf zahir dan batin..
check it out my raya's photos
anak2 buahku bermain bunge api..besar,kecik seme join!
tu je laa..
bebelan by
3:21 PM
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
bangang pnye budak.
bebelan by
11:33 PM
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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2:39 AM
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
gayut.tired.think to much.
bebelan by
4:09 AM
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
TIRING DAY...PHEWWW~ is very hectic n tinkerbell got class from 8 am till 5 pm....lesu tahap maut..transformers pun takleh tahan kalo ade kelas 9 jAm mcm we all...
kalo sume kelas tu kelas make up,kelas mari membaca majalah2 spt cleo,female,women's weekly,hot,kelas belajar fashion,kelas tgk tv,kelas belajar cara2 shopping...takpele jgk...ini,sume tahap mendera otak la....rasenye mmg kami dah berlaku zalim pada otak sendiri...bayangkan...
8.00 am : english for academic purposes(eap) mass lecture...(last class,sdeynya..)
9.00 am : eap tutorial(pheww,nasib baik tak kene oral presentation hari ni...)
10.00 am : evidence and procedure of syariah law(EPS)( kelas ni la selalu jadi mangsa aku
untuk bersms...)
11.00 am : Company Law II ( today's class...hemm..ini kelas company law ke,kelas mari
belajar agama bersama ustaz yg rigid?i dunno what kind of mind he had..but
seriously,n with due respect,i beg to differ from him in many aspect...actwly,in all
aspect except in company law subject..s u all know,i really uphold the concept of reasonable thinking. )
12.00 pm : GAP!!NO CLASS...but we have to rush cari mdm rusni to settle things...bout ibt
presentation..then we went to LAWSOC...hari ni saya duty...
1.00 pm : eps (actwly,we got 3 back up class,ibt,eps n company...but luckily,ibt class is
cancelled,company class is pospone to 4 we decided to go to eps class...)
2.00 pm : usul fiqh tutorial...(only me.tinkerbell went back to mahallah....mesti die sempat
3.00 pm : eps tutorial (huhu,i da start hilang konsentrasi since terlampau byk input di paksa
masuk dalam kepala,tapi masih dapat bertahan since mdm was discussing a tuto
questions n only 6 gurls were in the class,so i've to participated..biarpun the fact
that,i saje2 je angguk kepala sbb mdm asyik usha i je...but tinkerbell masih
bleh konsentret...)
4.00 pm : company tutorial ( i totally lost dlm kelas ni...gosh,what the heck is he talking about
in front?hari ni ramai yg quite safe la drp di tanya soklan..n infact sir is
only discussing the amendment of director's duty..phew,nasib baik i masih tahu ape
topic yg di discuss..but what can i say,not only me n tinkerbell yg lamgsung tak
dengar tapi,suprisingly,98% of the class mmg tak dgr ape sir ngajar except for the 2
hardworking students in front...haha...ade yg siap duduk berpaling ke belakang
sembang...kami yg kat belakang ni siap posing taking pic lagi...hahaha...
after all,hari ini sangt meletihkan............................
bila ke las nak habis ni??
nak balik raya!!!!nak balik kampung!!!
tapi test berlambak2 after raya,....
keje pun banyk!!!!ibt lagi,eap lagi!!!
report agm lawsoc tak buat lagi!!!
Ya allah...bleh gile tau i u olls!!!(hahahahahahah)
bebelan by
11:52 PM
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
AGAIN~ wut a S_ _ _T candidates!

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12:15 PM
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Monday, October 1, 2007
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2:20 PM
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hi semua...saya Fana...well,saya tgh gumbira sekarang...sampai terase seperti menyambut krismas pun ada...rase cam hri jadi ku dtg lagi pun ade...rase cam pass peksa with flying colours pun ade....
bebelan by
1:38 PM
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we want more .. we want more !! (chanting)
this GOL AND GINCU season 2 tamat yesterday.. tamat for good.. but i guess, im going to make a petition to bernard to make the season 3.. tehee~ bcoz this story is soo darn besh ooo... reza ended up marrying putri (at last!).. and i think they adopt those 2 kids kot.. and mya suprisingly married to eddy.. n eddy have changed a lot la since de takde awek dlm cite ni.. ehhe~.. ikan still trying nak pikat zie.. n more.. this show makes me go "oohh, ahhh, and wow" .. watak yg paling macho among all is reza.. where he goes saying sayang as syayaaang.. but still he is charming in his own way.. and putri being gedik2, but not menyampah kind of gedik.. cuma this season de tak banyak do the gedik-ing punya scene compared to yang movie.. oh well, whatever it is, im in LAF with GOL AND GINCU!
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1:29 PM
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
(giler arr...desperate!)
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1:25 AM
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An Introduction.
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1:24 AM
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i just pity her.....
others wud say she's a moron...
its pity laa...dun simply blame it all on her...
bebaru ni missTebu ade laa bkk youtube and saje2 ushar vids yg menarik...n missTebu pon tgk laa GIMME MORE lipsync by missBritney...
how come such a talented dancer not so talented singer bleh jd macam tu??i mean, mmg laa de xde laa talented sgt pon..lipsync je ni lipsynsc pon hancuss...dia dimalukann sehabis mungkin..azabs laa kalo jadi dia....too much pressure...
and after dat awful performance, she DID cry..(see dat picture la dude!)..camni ke berakhirnya sebuah karier yg gemilang?? can deny kan de mmg success gile dlu?
tgk laa perut de mlm lagi perut missTebu ni walopun x penah wat sit-up...but we're not talking about perut or watsoever...just see the performance mlm tu..she looks confused, not confident and FAT!! siannya...she's been thru a lot...sian laa jadi britney...
baik jadi org biasa cam TPSW ni...xyah laa pressure smp half moron......
agaknya ape punca Britney jadi macam tu??
ni adalah antara kemungkinannya:
- perkahwinan yang gagal dgn k-Fed
- gila meroyan (jarak antara 1st baby n 2nd baby sgtlah dekat..not gud gurls!!!)
- no more money left?? (dats why kena nyanyi blk)
- nk berebut custody dgn k-Fed tp xde kerja tetap...(same goes to him laa)
- pressure dari kecik smp besar (mak de kan suka force dia??)
- dia ingat de HOT lagi..
- sbb tgk kwn2 dia such as christina n justin success lagi (so de nk try de punya lucky charm la)
- drug influence
- kesan dari fast food yang bertan-tan dlm badan de tuh..(dun eat fast food gurls!!) nnt gila cam dia
- too much smoking
- tak kuat iman (obviously!)
- penat sgt de dok pura2 innocent masa zaman teenager dulu...
- de kecewa dgn justin dulu..(smp skrg xde laki baik utk dia..)
tu lah antara faktor2 yang boleh dikatakan me nyumbang ke arah kejatuhan era Britney Spears..
lagi skali missTebu nk tekankan di sini...
susah betul jadi britney spears ni...jadilah diri kita sendiri....kan senang??
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1:05 AM
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Astaghfirullahal azeem......kami serendah2 hati seek your kindness Ya Allah...ampunkan dosa kami...terimalah pose kami hari ni....yeap,kami mengaku kami dah buat sesuatu yg tak sepatotnya di lakukan oleh org yg mumaiyyiz lagi akil baligh.....
missTebu,mysteriousFana,Tinkerbell....theredshoes tak mo picnye dilihat ramai atas sbb yg kukuh~
MysteriousFana punye...nyum nyum...
missTebu makan sampai berair2 idung....makanan dia sampai lambat......wat muke tu~
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12:51 AM
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