Friday, August 1, 2008

¬touch the sky¬


This picture is taken some time ago...its kinda hard to capture it but i manage to bend and 'click click',,,i got it!!!eureka eureka bebeh!yeah time passes by,beat by beat(drummo plzz)we get more matured more wrinkles ekekekekee...however,in whatever situation..we must always be thankful to god.AMEEEEENNN..

Surrounded by beautifull frenz around me makes my world become more merrier,and more precious.With different characters makes our TPSW makin meletops!!!MUAHHHH(hugs and kisses).

Years ahead,there will be more obstacles,but the most impoorrrtant thing is we must reach for the sky...-this is according to my words(kembangkan hidung sekejap) own interpretation...ikut suka hati jer kan..blasah jer la,,,hehe..reach the sky above u..although its HARD and IMPOSSIBLE TO GRAB IT..but wut the heck,,,never give up..stay cool!!!grab the star bebeh..

while updating TPSW blog ,,my eyes can't stop blinking...ngantuk plak,,ZzZZZzzz tomorow class elektif,,,interesting,,and i really like it(MEDICAL LAW I LOVE U but i might not like the examinationnn....go go away....

last tuesday such a hectic day...kepala ku berasap mcmnk meletop,,tutorial bila direct 3 jam sekali mahu tak meletop..bila campur ngan lecture dr pg lagi la fius habis otak,,,gadaboommmm!!

i think enough said here,,,im need sume rest...update a new entry again in future..till then,,,yours sincerely,,,,, missmarshmellow

-p/s den tak tahu knapa la ada highlight colour kuning nie..kut lerong mana BLEH TIMBUL...BLASAH JER LA....redho jer la

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